TTIP – European training for trainers

Dans le cadre des TTIP GAME OVER  aura lieu à Bruxelles une formation pour des activistes européens-nes expérimentés-es qui veulent mobiliser dans leurs pays respectifs du 9 au 12 septembre. Puisque cette formation s’adresse à un public européen, le reste des informations est donc écrit dans la langue de Shakespeare…


Where civil disobedience and creativity meet to stop the TTIP negotiations.

From Fri 09th (17h) to Mon 12th (17h) of September

A training designed for experienced activists who want to mobilize in their country
organized by TTIP Game Over, Friends of the Earth Europe, Agir pour la Paix, Vredesactie, Quinoa

Directly inspired by the Climate Games that occurred with great success during the COP21 in Paris and around the world, TTIP Game Over is a game (rules: here) calling for creative actions to disrupt TTIP negotiations and denounce TTIP & CETA as anti-democratic – designed by, with and only for multinationals. Time to REBOOT DEMOCRACY!

(For more info on the actions that took place as part of the first “round” of TTIP Game Over, see here:

(For more info on TTIP, see: FoEE’s campaign on TTIP ; Analysis and publications by Corporate Europe Observatory: TTIP: covert attacks on democracy and regulation & Their articles and reports)

Several organizations have joined their efforts to organize a 3-day Training for Trainers, which will provide you with all you will need to mobilize people and organize an action training back in your own country. This will be an important step in getting people from across Europe to come to Brussels in autumn for the game’s second “round”, or to participate in TTIP Game Over in your country.


# INFO : Up to date info about TTIP & CETA negotiations: content and practicalities…

# DIRECT ACTION TRAINING OBSERVATION: The chance to observe experienced action trainers giving workshops to Belgian participants on topics including ‘civil disobedience’ and ‘affinity groups’ to ‘direct action design’ and specific skills useful for actions.

# TTIP GAME OVER FRAMEWORK: All the practical info people need to participate in TTIP GAME OVER: game’s guidelines, legal briefing, …

# WORKSHOP DESIGN: How to design your workshop agenda

# MOBILIZE : How to mobilize back in your country

# PRACTICE! : All along, opportunities to practice your facilitation skills as a trainer in a safe space


– Cost:

  • The training itself is free.
  • Basic accommodation will be provided for free (bring sleeping bag and mat). If you need more accessible accommodation, tell us and we’ll do our best to arrange this for you.
  • Vegetarian/vegan food will be provided on a donation basis.
  • Travel costs: If you need financial support, we can reimburse 70% of your ticket cost. Travel cost shouldn’t be a barrier to participation: tell us if you need more support.

– Registration : There is not enough time for a selection process: we’ll register the first ones who answer until our maximum number is reached. So please, register!

We expect participants to have some experience of participating in direct actions or civil disobedience (or other forms of creative actions), and to be enthusiastic to organize mobilization afterwards in your own country.

You don’t have to have any previous experience in giving trainings or in facilitation.

We also hope that you will be able to attend the whole training.

If so, send us an e-mail at with this filled in registration form in attachment: registration.odt or registration.docx (choose one).

We look forward to meeting you in Brussels in September, and working together on this exciting training for trainers !